How can you stay connected to the Amazon AWS3 WordPress site?

Andrew E. Cook
2 min readMar 8, 2022


The AWS Amazon S3 File Uploader allows you to upload and share virtually any file type and size, as well as an almost limitless number of files. For further protection, it also allows you to establish size and file type restrictions on both the client and server sides.

Also, all the media files uploaded from the Next3AWS Plugin can store in the Amazon S3 bucket and create a new Amazon s3 bucket from plugin settings.

Next3 AWS

What Is AWS S3?

The Simple Storage Solution (S3) from Amazon Web Services is a stable service for storing persistent objects. Objects or files might be anywhere from 0 bytes to 5 terabytes in size.

S3, like the rest of the AWS ecosystem, offers a set of REST API endpoints for data uploads. AWS also provides a number of SDKs that operate as REST API wrappers.

The stuff on S3 is organized into “buckets.” By default, all “buckets” are private, but the bucket owner can provide access to the bucket’s contents and activities using bucket policies.

What are the advantages of using Amazon S3 for your WordPress site?

Reduced server requests– Because your server won’t have to offer media files, page load times will be faster (or maybe assets).

More economical storage — If your server’s storage capacity is approaching its limit, I’m virtually confident S3’s storage pricing will be less expensive than your host’s.

Detached media — Now that your media assets are isolated from your WordPress site, it’s a lot easier to transfer it around (like between hosts). The PHP scripts are just copied and pasted, and they take up very little space.

Scalability — Because Amazon S3 powers the entire Internet (well, sort of), you can be certain that whatever happens to your site will be handled by Amazon.

Features of Next3 AWS WordPress Plugin:

  • Optimize site speed
  • Website media files transfer to AWS
  • Drag & Drop Media files upload
  • Create unlimited Bucket
  • Upload unlimited Files
  • File Manager
  • Files Usability
  • Better SEO Service

I hope I was able to provide you with sufficient information. If you like this article, be sure to check out our WordPress video lessons on YouTube. We’re also on Twitter and Facebook. 🙂



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